Tax Estimator

The Tax Estimator allows you to calculate the estimated Ad Valorem taxes for a property located in Duval County. Choose a tax district/city from the drop down box, enter a taxable value in the space provided then press the “Estimate Taxes” button. The results displayed are the estimated yearly taxes for the property, using the last certified tax rate, without exemptions or discounts.

Select Tax District/City:
Enter Taxable Value:    

The taxing district you choose is connected to a specific tax rate for that area. The tax rate is referred to as the millage. The millage varies by taxing district within the county. Each taxing district's total millage is comprised of individual millages determined by multiple taxing authorities operating within that district. Business owners & home owners are subject to the same millage rate within a given tax district, except where exempted by Florida Statute(s) or local ordinance(s).